Sept. 2014 - #1
Haiku on photo #23

INOUE, Seigetsu (1822?-1887) is a legendary bleaching haiku-poet in Japan.
This haiku is a sort of old fashoned romance.
In a autamn morning, he would see a couple of humble lovers on a path which was lush grasses with dews.
They would dodge not only dews on the grasses but also touching each other. Touching body outside is ill-mannerd habit in Japan, now it's not so much but it was more strict manner in old time.
Through this haiku, we can see the shyness and humble behavior of them, with amorous metaphor.
Original pic: 1.5MB 4000x3000 f2.8 1/1,600
Place: 榛名湖Lake Haruna, Gunma pref.
Haiku on photo #24

This haiku was written for the celemony of 月見tsukimi, moon-gazing.
On 15th August of Chinese luna calendar (a day in the beggining of September of the Gregorian calendar), we gaze at the moon to admire as an autamn custom. It is comes from ancient China and will be in common for East Asian countries.
At the time he wrote this haiku, some people would gathered from far places for it. Not only them, Seigetsu would also do and remember the memories of his long journey he had walked through before at the moon-gazing.
And the moon shed the light over the hills, rivers and all around the world. No matter where you are.
Original pic: 3.3MB 6000x4000 f4 1/10
Place: Joan de Fuca Trail, Vancouver Island BC, Canada
Seasonal Scenes
Original pic: 2.4MB 4500×3000
f5.3 1/25
Place: 馬橋稲荷神社 Mabashi-Inari Shrine, Suginami ward, Tokyo.

Original pic: 975KB 3000×2000
f5.6 1/25
Place: 馬橋稲荷神社 Mabashi-Inari Shrine, Suginami ward, Tokyo.

Original pic: 1.6MB 4320×2880
f5 1/20
Place: 馬橋稲荷神社 Mabashi-Inari Shrine, Suginami ward, Tokyo.

Original pic: 6.6MB 6000×4000
f4.5 1/250
Place: 馬橋稲荷神社 Mabashi-Inari Shrine, Suginami ward, Tokyo.
(C) 2014 Photo Craft SAGITTARIUS

Original pic: 7.4MB 6000×4000
f5.6 1/30
Place: 馬橋稲荷神社 Mabashi-Inari Shrine, Suginami ward, Tokyo.

Original pic: 2.2MB 4500×3000
f4.5 1/25
Place: 馬橋稲荷神社 Mabashi-Inari Shrine, Suginami ward, Tokyo.