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June 2014 - #1 

Haiku on photo #9

INOUE, Seigetsu (1822?-1887) is a legendary bleaching haiku-poet in Japan.


 He was resting his tired body in the shadow of young leaves. 


 Seigetsu wrote some haiku about the feeling that he felt at his journey. Half a lifetime of his is shrouded in mystery but one thing we can know is that he had traveled(wandered) around the  middle part of Japan before he arrived at Ina.


 We can't follow the tracks of his journey clearly but his haiku works tell the feelings then he got still vividly. 


The leaves on the picture are Japanese horse-chestnuts. They grow so big momentarily at the begenning of summer.


Original pic: 4.5MB 4000x3000 f4 1/20

Place: 善福寺緑道Zenpukuji green path, Suginami ward, Tokyo.

Haiku on photo #10

 What kind of colour do you imagine when you hear ''the colour of the wind''? Maybe the blue of the sky, or glittering greens of waving leaves, you can imagine any colours as you like.

 From the vallry of Ina, people still can see the snowed moutains at the beginning of summer. Those summits reach to about 3,000m high, so the snow in last winter is still remaining on them.

 Seigetsu would see the greens of plains and snowed mountain at same time and might felt something in the wind.

Original pic: 4.8MB 4000x3000 f3.5 1/1,250

Place: 奥多摩山域Okutama mountain area, Tokyo

*This picture is photo cllage and the snow mountain on the back is 仙丈ヶ岳Mt.Senjo in Nagano pref from Ina.

Special series #1

An artisan at work #1-1

Original pic: 1.4MB 2734×2054

 f3.5 1/15

Place: Yamanashi pref

An artisan at work #1-2

Original pic: 2.7MB 4000×3000

 f2.8 1/30

Place: Yamanashi pref

An artisan at work #1-5

Original pic: 2MB 4000×3000

 f3.2 1/50

Place: Yamanashi pref

An artisan at work #1-6

Original pic: 905MB 2738×2055

 f4 1/60

Place: Yamanashi pref


(C) 2014 Photo Craft SAGITTARIUS

An artisan at work #1-3

Original pic: 1.4MB 4000×3000

 f3.5 1/25

Place: Yamanashi pref

An artisan at work #1-4

Original pic: 1MB 2734×2048

 f3.5 1/60

Place: Yamanashi pref

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