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Oct. 2014 - #1

Haiku on photo #28

INOUE, Seigetsu (1822?-1887) is a legendary bleaching haiku-poet in Japan.


In autumn, we have fun with the colours of seasoned leaves in the fields and on the mountains. '紅葉MOMIJI' usually means the maple leaf but sometimes also means every kind of seasoned leaves in autumn symbolically.


And on the high mountains, they become in various colours from the top to the bottom because the temperatures and the conditions of the climate are different between them.


The village of Ina, the place where Seigetsu finally lived is srrounded by high mountains and he would also enjoyed the views with various colours in this season.

Original pic: 7.6MB 6000x4000 f3 1/1,600

Place:穂高連峰 涸沢カール Karasawa Curl, Hotaka Mountains, Nagano pref.

Haiku on photo #29

In Japanese tradition, autumn has 2 times to gaze and enjoy the gentle bright moon. They are st the nights of 15th August and 13th September on Chinese luner calendar, probably they are nearly same as the harvest moon and the hunter's moon on American continent.


This haiku is nothing but a simple poetry to tell the scene which he saw. The feeling of it also tells what makes the beauty  of the moon. It's the clear air above the sky. As gazing at the moon in the clear sky, the autumn cool wind seems like blowing the quarrels and troubles in our lives away and bringing clear mind to us.


On the stage, 2 girls are dancing '浦安の舞Urayasu no mai' and it's a traditional styled dance for saying a prayer for the peace of the world as an offering to the moon.

Original pic: 6.2MB 6000x4000 f4 1/6

Place:阿佐ヶ谷神明宮 観月祭 Moon-gazing ceremony at Asagaya Shinmei-gu, Suginami ward, Tokyo.

Seasonal Scenes

Mt.Yari #2

Original pic: 8.4MB 6000×4000

 f8 1/4,000

Place: 奥穂高岳山頂 The summit of Mt. Oku-Hotaka, Nagano pref.


Original pic: 3.2MB 4500×3000

 f8 1/2,500

Place: 奥穂高岳山頂 The summit of Mt. Oku-Hotaka, Nagano pref.

常念連峰Jonen mountains

Original pic: 6.2MB 6000×4000

 f3.3 1/4000

Place: 涸沢岳山頂 the peak of Mt. Karasawa, Nagano Pref.

Karasawa Hut in autumn colours

Original pic: 4.6MB 4500×3000

 f4 1/1,600

Place: 涸沢カールKrasawa curl, Nagano Pref.


(C) 2014 Photo Craft SAGITTARIUS

ジャンダルム Gens d'armes 

Original pic: 5.1MB 6000×4000

 f3.2  3sec.

Place: 奥穂高山荘テント場Camp site of Oku-Hotaka Mountain Lodge, Nagano pref.

The ridge to Mt.Yari

Original pic: 11MB 6000×4000

 f3.3 1/160

Place: 涸沢岳山頂 the peak of Mt.Karasawa, Nagano Pref.

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