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Sept 2014 - #2

Haiku on photo #25

INOUE, Seigetsu (1822?-1887) is a legendary bleaching haiku-poet in Japan.


赤蜻蛉AKA-TONBO or red dragonfly is one of the symbolic insect for autamn in Japan. It makes good colour contrast with the clear blue sky of this season.


In autamn in Japan, people becomes active in various ways because the climate turns more comfortable than in summer. They play sports, hike around natural fields, read books, have fun with art and meal. It is leterally abundant harvest season of life.


Seigetsu would also enjoyed this season with flying red dragonfles.





Original pic: 1MB 3000x2150 f2 1/800

Place: 編笠山(八ヶ岳)・青年小屋テント場 Camp field of Seinen Hut on Mt.Amikasa (in Yatsugatake Mountains), Yamanashi pref.

Haiku on photo #26

茸狩TAKE-GARI (also read KINOKO-GARI) means picking and gathering edible mushrooms in forests and it is one of the seasonal picnic event in autamn.


When we get into the forests and mountains in Japan, we can find some small shrines called 祠HOKORA. Once upon a time, mountain was a kind of religious sacred place with mysterious folklores. Now we hardly know well the reason in detail why our ancestors built them in such deep forest, but they still make us remind the feeling of respecting the nature with fear.


Seigetsu would also pray for their safety in the mountain at the small shrine.

Original pic: 3.2MB 4000x3000 f2 1/60

Place: 七ツ石山Mt.Nanatsu-ishi, Yamanashi pref.

Seasonal Scenes

From Mt.Kai-Komagatake #1

Original pic: 11.6MB 6000×4000

 f3.3 1/640

Place: 黒戸尾根Kuroto Ridge Trail, Kai-Komagatake, Yamanashi Pref.

From Mt.Kai-Komagatake #2

Original pic: 12.8MB 6000×4000

 f3.3 1/60

Place: 黒戸尾根Kuroto Ridge Trail, Kai-Komagatake, Yamanashi Pref.

From Mt.Kai-Komagatake #5

Original pic: 11.4MB 6000×4000

 f3 1/500

Place: The summit of Kai-Komagatake, Yamanashi Pref.

From Mt.Kai-Komagatake #6

Original pic: 9.2MB 6000×4000

 f2.8 1/1.250

Place: The summit of Kai-Komagatake, Yamanashi Pref.


(C) 2014 Photo Craft SAGITTARIUS

From Mt.Kai-Komagatake #3

Original pic: 7.8MB 6000×4000

 f4.8 1/15

Place: 黒戸尾根Kuroto Ridge Trail, Kai-Komagatake, Yamanashi Pref.

From Mt.Kai-Komagatake #4

Original pic: 7.9MB 6000×4000

 f2.8 1/125

Place: 黒戸尾根Kuroto Ridge Trail, Kai-Komagatake, Yamanashi Pref.

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